Aveola Community Guidelines

To keep Aveola a safe space, we’ve set these guidelines. We follow a strict zero-tolerance policy and can remove content or disable accounts that break these rules. This includes photos, stories, names, and profile descriptions. You must be at least 18 years old to use Aveola.

Your profile details, including name, description, photos, or stories, must follow these rules:

1. Prohibited activities

1.1 Do not pretend to be someone else to trick others or make money.

1.2 Do not use someone else's photo as your profile picture without permission.

1.3 Do not share personal information (like addresses or phone numbers) in descriptions.

1.4 Do not share external links or websites in your profile description, even as screenshots.

1.5 Do not post content that promotes sexual activities or contains sexually suggestive material (see more in Clause 3).

1.6 Do not post content promoting harassment or bullying (see more in Clause 4).

1.7 Do not promote criminal activities (see more in Clause 5).

1.8 Do not sell products or services.

2. Dress Code

2.1 Do not share photos or stories showing nudity, even partially covered with transparent clothing or a towel.

2.2 Do not post pictures or stories where you’re only wearing undergarments (this includes lingerie, sheer nightwear, etc.).

2.3 Necklines or cleavage in photos must not be lower than the bottom of your breasts.

2.4 Swimsuit photos are only allowed if taken at pools, beaches, or near outdoor water areas.

3. Sexualized Content

Sexually explicit content is not allowed on Aveola and will be removed.

3.1 It is prohibited to post imagery, and digital imagery, of adult nudity, if it depicts:

  1. Visible genitalia (including when obscured by pubic hair);

  2. Visible genitalia, anuses, or close-ups of fully nude buttocks

  3. Uncovered female nipples

  4. Sexual activities or intercourse, including oral sex or genital contact

  5. Use or show of sex toys

  6. Erections or fluids from sexual activity

  7. Squeezing breasts (unless in breastfeeding contexts)

  8. Sexualized digital content

  9. Licking or sucking objects

3.2 Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

We have a zero tolerance policy towards any form of child sexual exploitation and abuse. We don’t allow content that sexualizes or endangers children, real or fictional (e.g. anime, digital images, media, text, illustrations). This includes any visual depictions, sharing third-party links, or discussions of sexually explicit conduct involving a child. It’s prohibited to upload, store, produce, share, or entice anyone to share child sexual abuse material (CSAM), even if the intent is to express outrage or raise awareness about this issue.

We understand that members might want to talk about and share images of their children with their connections. Any discussions about children must remain appropriate, relevant, and lawful. In addition, if you decide to include photos of children in your profile, they must be completely clothed and they cannot appear alone in the image. This includes any photos from your childhood.

We don’t allow profile photos of babies’, toddlers’, or children’s genitalia or buttocks even when they’re covered or partially covered by emojis.

Any violation of this policy will result in a member being removed from Aveola and reported to the authorities. In compliance with U.S. law, if we become aware of apparent child sexual exploitation, child grooming, or child abuse, we will report it to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). NCMEC may make the report available to relevant local and global law enforcement authorities.

If you believe we’ve made a mistake in taking action on your account or content, you can always [email protected]

4. Harassment or Bullying

Harassment or Bullying are prohibited on Aveola platform.

4.1 This includes content with:

  1. Discriminatory or hateful comments about gender, religion, race, age, or appearance

  2. Altered images meant to shame or bully

  3. Personal information shared without consent

  4. Threats, blackmail, or harassment of any kind

5. Criminal Activities

Criminal activities are strictly prohibited on Aveola.

5.1 This includes content showing:

  1. Any display of criminal activities

  2. Physical violence towards other people, animals, businesses and vandalism of property.

  3. Self-harm or mutilation

  4. Drug use or promotion

  5. Threats or promotion of violence

  6. Child abuse or animal cruelty

  7. Firearms or weapons

  8. Propaganda of terrorist organizations or extremist groups

By using Aveola, you agree to these guidelines and our Terms of Use. Breaking these rules may result in content removal, account suspension, or other penalties.